How to order translation services

27. March 2020

When it comes to document translation services, it’s always best to know what you’re looking for before you get started. In this blog post, we’ll explain the process and detail what sort of information you need to provide to make the process easier.

What do you need to know when ordering translation services?

The first thing you need to know is whether your translation relates to a document or to marketing, which require separate approaches. Marketing translation is based on much more limited space, and deals largely with localisation techniques. Document translation services are focused on the translation of documents specifically, and can vary in length according to the needs of the client and the languages in question.

Our order form

When requesting a quote, we look for three pieces of information - the language you wish to translate to, your name and contacts and information about the project.

It’s the latter we’ll be addressing here, how to tell us as much as possible about the type of work involved so your quote will be accurate from the beginning.

Specify your language requirements

Document translation services can be provided for many languages. We offer more than 30 language pairs. Like all good translation services, we specify which languages we can work with, so you know you’re making the right decision.

Specify the industry type

Every industry uses different terminology. A medical translator wouldn’t necessarily be equipped with the same phrases as an automotive translator. By telling us up-front which industry you’re working in, we can ensure we have the right translation team for the job ready to assist.

Specifics about the document

Document translation services can be used for many different types of document, at different lengths. This includes technical manuals, contracts, leases and sales documents.

As well as helping to determine the cost of the translation, documents are subject to different legal requirements. Part of our service includes checking that all necessary legal requirements are met, including with regard to legalisation and apostille certification. Translated legal documents in particular require apostille certification to verify that they are a true and accurate translation of the original, to protect all parties involved.

Who is the translation for?

Your target audience is important to us. When ordering document translation services, it’s important to disclose the intended audience. This can affect the type of language used, which in turn affects the impact of the translation.

Why do you need a translation?

The purpose of the translation is important, too. If the text is for a website, we will need to apply localisation techniques. If it’s for an instruction manual, a translator will need to check that the text will still fit. The purpose of the translation will ultimately affect the look of the final piece, and influence the cost of the project.

How do we help?

From the moment we start working together, your translation will be assigned a Project Manager. The role of the Project Manager is to act as liaison between you and the translation team, to monitor deadlines and deliverables, and ensure the whole process runs smoothly. This means that when you need an update, you need only as one person, instead of trying to figure out who on the translation team is working on which aspect of your document.

What’s next?

Now that you know what sort of information we need, get in touch for a quote. Take a look at the range of services we offer, and the language pairs we work with. We’ll take it from there.

Inge Rätsep

Inge Rätsep