Medical translation

At Interlex, we handle high-volume multilingual translation of user manuals for medical devices and material supporting clinical trials.

Why trust your medical translation to Interlex

Medical translation requires a translation team with both solid knowledge of the medical field and expert lingustic skills. Every day, our medical experts translate the user manuals and user interfaces of medical devices, texts of clinical trials, leaflets of medicinal products, etc. When translating medical texts, it is essential that the translation team has in-depth knowledge of the medical field, its regulations and terminology, as well as extensive experience of translating medical texts into their mother tongue.

Interlex has more than 25 years of experience in providing translation and editing services for the medical field. Our ISO-certified services are designed to meet the medical industry’s strict standards. We work systematically to ensure that the quality of our translations is always guaranteed and verifiable.

Our project managers always choose an expert translator and a language editor with the right background for the relevant project, carry out thorough quality control and ensure that translations are delivered on time. In addition, we can provide you with project-specific guides and lists of terms.



We have been translating user manuals for many global medical technology companies for decades. We also have extensive experience in translating texts of product information and clinical trials that meet the requirements of the European Medicines Agency. Only tested experts with a medical background work in the translation team.


The standard process employs hybrid translation, a service in which a human creates the best possible translation with the aid of AI-based tools. We also offer a service wherein a medically trained expert translates without machine assistance. Whatever your needs, we are flexible and can tailor a service to suit you. In addition, we integrate style guides, ‘translation memory’, and term bases into the translation process. The combination of human work and different technological solutions ensures a good end result.

Quality control

Typically, the translation process for medical text follows four steps: translation, editing, quality checks, and inspection of layout files. A separate language expert is responsible for each stage. In some cases, it may be necessary for another linguist to back-translate the material into the original language – for instance, a translation into Estonian might be retranslated into English, so that the client’s English-speaking experts can check the accuracy of the translation in a language they understand. In any case, a multi-step process yields the best end result.

The types of medical translations Interlex offers

Medical technology

User manuals for medical equipment, training materials for medical professionals, user interfaces for equipment and online software
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Clinical studies

Patient consent forms, patient information leaflets, patient diaries and questionnaires, study protocols, study reports, regulatory documents to be submitted to medicines regulatory authorities and ethics committees, adverse reaction reporting forms

Treatment guidelines and medical records

Treatment guidance and medical records for physicians and other professionals
Interlex 2024