Technical translation

Companies in many technical fields, across numerous branches of industry, can turn to Interlex to meet their translation needs, whether for user manuals, technically oriented marketing, or company-internal documents.

What qualifies Interlex to handle technical translation

The translation needs of large industrial companies range from large-scale multilingual user manuals to in-house multilingual communication and training materials and, of course, advertising in foreign markets through a wide range of channels.

Interlex helps to streamline the translation process so that products’ user manuals, technical data, sales brochures, marketing messages, etc. all get localised quickly, correctly, and consistently. Your maintenance technicians, engineers, manufacturers, and distributors benefit from always having up-to-date product information in hand, while clients and other external stakeholders likewise obtain a positive impression.

Our advanced AI solutions, ‘translation memory’ tools, and term-base resources facilitate quick translation of documents on a large scale, while human resources from a network of translators worldwide enable us to translate the material into all the desired languages at once. Throughout the work, a backbone of 25+ years’ experience ensures quality.

Also, we can assist with designing, printing and, if necessary, distributing materials to clients in the local market. In addition, we can create subtitles for advertising or training materials to help your multilingual communication succeed across all channels.



For decades, our team has specialised in localisation for industrial technology. We are proficient in the terminology, know the regulations, and understand the challenges you face.

Technology and speed

Taking advantage of the latest AI language technology aids we optimise work flows so that we can offer both quality and speed at a competitive price.


We translate from and into all European languages and other widely spoken world languages. Working with us lets you obtain translations for all the desired languages in one place.

The types of technical translations that Interlex provides

Automotive and transport industry

Manuals, vehicle software localisation, marketing texts, websites, client letters, advertisements
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Multilingual user manuals for forestry machinery, marketing materials for local markets, newsletters, websites

Maritime affairs and the marine industry

Technical documentation for ships, material for compliance with safety requirements, etc.

Information technology and telecommunications

Technical specifications and standards, user manuals, software, applications, patents and intellectual property documents, training materials, marketing materials, contracts and legal documents


Technical documentation for power plants, documentation for renewable- energy installations, etc.
Interlex 2024