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The final result of a translation text depends to a large extent on the subsequent editing of the translation. Editing is done to ensure that the translation retains the meaning of the original text, but attention is also paid to the accuracy of terms, style and correct use of language.

There are two types of editing: linguistic editing, where the main emphasis is on the linguistic correctness and comprehensibility of the text, and professional editing, in which an expert in the subject matter pays particular attention to use of appropriate terms and professional language to assure of the content’s accuracy for the intended context. If basic comprehension is the primary concern, proofreading of only only the target text is sufficient for verifying the grammatical correctness of the final text.

Interlex’s full translation service always includes either linguistic editing or proofreading.

In addition, you can order editing and proofreading as standalone services for materials you have written or translated yourself.

Interlex 2024